Tuesday, 18 January 2011

15 films are only suitable for people 15 and over. The film must not have discrimoatory language or behavior. Drug taking can be shown in 15's as a whole but must not incurage it to the audience, if it uses redaly avalible substansis such as solvents and areosols it might will probably not be accepitbale. Most are allowed unless sadistic or sexualised. Dangerous behaviour such as self harming and hanging should not be dwelled upon the actual scene. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised. There can be frequent use of strong language such as "fuck". really strong words such as cunt can be used only if it fits in with the context. constant use of the really strong language would not be acceptable. Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context dependng on detail. There are no restrictions on nudity in a non-sexual way. Sex can be shown without strong detail, verbal referances would be allowed. the strongest refferences wouldn't not be allowed but unless justified by the context. films that purpose that is to arouse would not be allowed. Violence may be strong but cant stay show infliction of pain for prolonged lengths of time. The strongest images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic violence is also unacceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence msut be neccisery to the narrative.

No one younger than 18 can view, buy or rent an 18. There are exceptions where the BBFC believe they should not give people the removal of constraints to watch these films, for example where the material is in breach of criminal laws, when the material is said to potentially risk harm to the individual or their behaviour to society or where there are more explicit scenes of sexual content which are not justified by the context.

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